Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Things that make you go hmmm....

Carpeted Kitchens - Why was carpet ever considered an acceptable flooring option for a kitchen? It's one of those interior design ideas where form trumps function - only the form stinks. The only condition I can imagine where a carpeted kitchen would be a good idea is ... okay, I can't think of one. It is never a good idea - especially when you reside with a toddler who finds crunching crackers into the floor an immensely pleasurable activity.
The only thing worse than a carpeted kitchen is a carpeted bathroom - and believe me, I'd know since we've had the privilege of living in apartments with both. (For more evidence of the ills of carpet, read

Gas Prices - What's worse than paying $3.89 for a gallon of gas? Paying $4.09 for a gallon of gas. Last Tuesday, the price of gas at the gas station we patronize jumped 20 cents in one day. Who did kill that electric car?

Two-piece bathing suits - I hold nothing against two-piece swimsuits - especially my own body. Which is why I can't understand why every single swim suit I saw at Target was a 2 piece. Am I the only seeker of swimwear who doesn't want to expose her abdomen? Does no one else have something to hide? Give me some other options, please.

America Runs on Dunkin
- Dunkin Donuts' slogan puzzles me. It seems such an obvious misstatement. Perhaps I am taking it too literally, but does America really run on Dunkin? I would think "waddle" seems a more appropriate verb. Or "saunters", "meanders", or "slouches. " When I eat a donut, it makes me feel like taking up residence on my couch and drowning in the bluish glow of the television. The last thing it makes me want to do is run.

Diaper Genies - Whatever marketing exec came up with the name "Diaper Genie" must have done something right, because you would be hard pressed to find any other diaper pail on the market. But still, Diaper Genie? Really? Aren't genies the magical creatures that appear when a lamp is rubbed three times? For those of you who haven't had the honor of housing a Diaper Genie in your home, I'll let you in on a little secret - this is one container that you don't want to rub. There's something in that diaper pail, but it ain't no genie.


Cheryl and William said...

After living in Boston, the capital of Dunkin Donuts (where the chain originated and there are 97 locations in the Boston Metro area) I will tell you that their slogan comes not from the donuts (which are actually pretty gross) but from the COFFEE. People go there all the time for coffee because it is supposedly "better" and much cheaper than Starbucks. So I guess the caffeine is enough to make you want to "run marathons". But I do think that it is a funny slogan because only in the Northeast are Dunkin Donuts- I have found 0 here in CA so they should say "The Northeast Runs on Dunkin" which would be more accurate.
hehe- the diaper genie totally made the laugh and gas prices have been ridiculous and are now outrageous here in CA and I'm sorry they spread to your neck of the woods

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

That is the funniest gasoline pump prices I have ever seen. I love all your funny blogs, they are so fun to read. When are you coming to visit??

janel said...

Great minds think alike! I love the picture of Henry stomping crackers in your red shoes! Caught in the act!
Also, I curse myself for making my husband commute 45 miles to work each way with these gas prices. It's almost as bad as trying to run on doughnuts even after finding a wood chip in them. : ) (Sorry that I have to mention that in every comment I make on every post. I also find myself telling that story to everyone I know whenever Krispy Kremes comes up!)

Dynamic Chiropractic said...

You are on fire today! I love it, it made me chuckle the whole way through. I second the carpeting question. We are lucky enough to have some nice vinyl flooring in our kitchen and bathrooms, but growing up we housed carpet in the bathroom, and the carpet housed mold, nuff said. I will second the coffee is what dunkin donuts is talking about. We have a friend who is from Boston, and he has to have his iced coffee from Dunkin. I suppose if I were a coffee drinker I would have better understood the Dunkin part of the name and not focused so much on the donut.. mmmmm donuts......

Lyndsie and Daniel said...

You always get me thinking, Kim. Daniel refused to let us get a Diaper Genie because we heard they stink. So we just throw Mak's diapers in a regular garbage can so the smell can fill our entire house. What's worse? And what is it with the two piece bathing suits? Thankfully, I have found a couple tankinis that are long enough to cover my stomach. It seems like all the one-piece suits this year have giant holes cut out of the sides so the love handles can bulge out. What is with these designers?

Stacy and Mike said...

Clever..... Love this post
Carpeted Kitchens: I think that Lazy people who didn't want to take the time to pick out two different types of flooring, or Clean Freaks who obviously don't plan on having kids would put carpet in the kitchen and bathrooms. DUMB IDEA!!

Gas prices... seriously... I am going to invest in a horse instead.

Two piece bathing suits...I must admit it's easier to go to the bathroom but I just want to find one long enough to cover my abdomen/stretch marks/ moles/white pasty skin/everything else. I'm sure none of the Target swimming suits would be flattering on anyone except 14-15 year old girls. The rest of us are out of luck in the flattering department.

I have a diaper genie, It stinks!

Kristen said...

Oh my gosh Kim, I have had this same observation about swimming suits. I think that people think that you can only wear two-pieced suits. But the problem is that not everyone looks good in them and should never touch them, let alone wear them. I have had the hardest time finding suits. This year I gave in and got one from Divine Modesty. IT was about $60. HOwever, I think that I can wear it forever. It's a two-piece, but the top piece can be pulled over my bottom. Very modest. Good luck.

Denise said...

I normally would completely agree with you on the bathing suit problem BUT I was out of town this weekend and found myself in need of a bathing suit and guess what... I found it at target, one peice, for $9!!!! Ok so it was on clearance, it was probably from 5 years ago and they found it in a back room somewhere and just wanted to get rid of it but I was excited because your right all the rest of them are not only 2 piece but skimpy skimpy 2 piece.

We have carpet in our dining room right now and it drives me nuts... i just finished scraping smooshed cheese out of it... YUMMMY!

chelsea said...

hey kim, i found your blog from daniel and lyndsie's. how's indiana? and amen sister to horror that is carpet in the bathroom. we have that now and it seriously makes me want to pull my hair out. it's pink too. what could be worse? ~chelsea (vielstich) worth